
副总裁Zhang (右中心),Inter Milan足球俱乐部主任Ke Tian(中锋左), Chine的总经理(右他的第四名),Inter Milan Coach,Inter Milan球员和 Youth Team 录取了经验的比赛,


作为国际米兰(Inter Milan)前往中国之旅的重要停留,那天,来自苏纳()体育的米兰足球俱乐部(Inter Milan Club)的球员,来自苏宁()青年训练团队和媒体记者的球员经历了由苏格兰()的真实意大利足球训练,这是最高的培训设备供应商, Inter Milan Club的副总裁Zhang 先生参加了体验。

The of head coach and Inter Milan stars made the full of "star" . It is that the team in the 2017 Cup China in on July 19 and spent a few days with fans. Since its of Inter Milan in June last year, has the 's " home". On the of July 24, the team to its "home" At the Ligue 1 Lyon.



On site, can in the Artis , which , and , and the of and ; they can also UNITY based on the new of " of " . , that every user can get a ; there are also non- for " " that can train in , speed, and ; the ARKE can Helps body in the of , , , , and speed.

据了解,作为米兰足球俱乐部的供应商之一,与Inter Milan建立了20年的合作关系,为Inter Milan在意甲和欧洲比赛中的战斗提供了一流的培训,从而将其与的合作延长了,并从七月开始培训训练。


苏宁青训队小球员在泰诺健Artis Run跑步机上训练

张坎阳先生说:“我们在中国的一线队球员和青年球员可以使用与世界一流的俱乐部相同的高端训练设备最新意甲关系球队,并在未来的培训方法上获得科学建议最新意甲关系球队最新意甲关系球队, Group还将与合作,以进一步加深合作,“ 将继续寻找可以为人和服务的产品带来高品质的体验。

标签: 苏宁国际副总裁张康阳等出席国米体验会 揭秘意甲明星训练体系